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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a peanut allergy?

    Peanut allergy happens when your immune system categorizes proteins from peanuts as harmful. Direct or indirect contact with peanuts can cause your immune system to release symptom-causing chemicals into your blood stream.

  • What foods can trigger a peanut allergy?

    The short answer is any foods with nuts. You may find peanuts or tree nuts in baked goods, cookies, candy, pastries, pie crusts, and more.

  • Can a peanut allergy go away?

    Studies have shown that roughly 20-25% of children that experience a peanut allergy will outgrow it. 80% of children that do outgrow peanut allergy do so by the age of 8.

  • Is a peanut allergy genetic?

    Some studies suggest that the HLA-DR and -DQ gene region poses a significant genetic risk for peanut allergy. Researchers have pinpointed a region in the human genome showing strong evidence that genes can play a role in the development of food allergies.

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Shop The Best Snacks Since 1934 Online at L'Orenta Nuts

Take Your Snacks to a Higher Level with L’Orenta!

What is it that people really, really want in a snack? Here at L’Orenta we believe it is far more than a mouthful or this or that to satisfy hunger. That’s why we’re here to help you take your snack selections to the next level! Wait until you see the gourmet snacks we have in store for you. And they’re so easy to order right here online, once you have made your selections. 

Oh yes, we feel you’ll order several. After all, it’s a good approach when ordering gourmet snacks online as you want to have enough for a variety of occasions as well as for day-to-day hungries. Well, once you’ve placed your order, we ship them fresh to your door from our facility in San Antonio TX. The one and five pound package options are wrapped neatly in our resealable bags, assuring that your order is fresh from day one. Of course, our gourmet snack foods are so scrumptious they’re sure to be enjoyed and gone in no time at all.

Added to all this, we can assure you that a number of our gourmet snacks and snack gifts add health-promoting goodness with each mouthful! That’s due to the fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and immune support wrapped up in nuts and dried fruits. We also have selections that are dairy, wheat, gluten, soy, or peanut free. This means that you can share L’Orenta with everyone!

Being in the gourmet snack business started with our great-great-grandfather who founded the company back in 1934. He wanted Americans to enjoy the roasted nut traditions he brought here from Europe. Just as he did then, we too share those traditions, and more, with people far and wide. The “more” is that we have added so many different gourmet nut and goodies selections that your head will spin and your mouth will water reading through them. Well, time’s a-fleeting, so now it’s on to giving you a few purchase tips.

Might as Well Buy a Stack of Snacks!

Any time of year is good for snacking and dabbling in a round of taste-testing. We know you don’t need any other reason for that other than doing so with close friends and family. We have a lineup here to help you plan for your next get-together. While you buy a stack for your pantry, remember that our snack gifts are sure to please even the most discriminating snack connoisseur! 

Wasabi Peas are a best seller and staff favorite here at L’Orenta. Their inviting green tone hides the secret and just-right amount of fiery tang found in these delights. You’ll be back for more before you know it!

Texas Trail Mix is built on the broad shoulders of pecan perfection! Added to that are sunflower seeds, a dash of cinnamon, and some honey roasting. Boy, if you’re really heading out on the trail or the open road with these, it’s best to fill your saddle bags with this L’Orenta exclusive.

Kickin’ Nut Mix is another of our exclusive gourmet snacks. This spicy treat will indeed make you and your friends want to kick up your heels, be it dancing, skate-boarding, or shooting hoops. Of course, you know the importance of hydrating while being active. This mix will sure help you out in that regard, plus give you lots of zingy flavor!

Saloon Mix is one of our snacks to gift lovers of Westerns. With this L’Orenta exclusive you can almost hear spurs and saloon hubbub. Although, even if that’s just on TV, it might be hard to hear the audio over the crunch and munch of the toasted corn and redskin peanuts that are a couple of this dandy snack’s ingredients.

It’s true! When we write the words “gourmet snacks online” you’re in for a treat. So are all the people you share these snacks with, either at your home or when you send along some gifts for snack lovers you know, both near and far.

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