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Health & Wellness

Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?

Posted on September 18th, 2022
Pistachios Blog

Written By Sam Henselijn

Can Dogs Eat Pistachios? Pistachios have been eaten for thousands of years. They taste fresh, nutty and slightly sweet and everyone loves them because, well, they’re delicious. But did you know they’re not really nuts? Pistachios are the seeds of the pistachio tree. Technically, they are “drupes”. Or a tree fruit that contains a shell-covered seed. In the case of pistachios, we discard the fruit flesh and keep only the tasty seed within. Can dogs eat pistachios?

Whatever the case, pistachios are well loved by Americans, but are they safe for everyone? Have you ever wondered if you can share the nuts with your fur babies, for example? Keep reading to find out! 

Are pistachios safe for dogs? 

It’s no secret our furry friends love to get a sniff – or even a taste –

Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?

of what us humans are eating. If you’re partial to nuts, you know they tend to be a hearty and healthy choice of snack. At least for humans… But are they safe for dogs?

Well, all in all the little green nuts can be a healthy snack for pups. But one thing to be aware of is that they are very high in fat. While pistachios have several health benefits and are technically not toxic to dogs, their high-fat content could make them sick if the nut is consumed in large amounts. According to the ASPCA, the fat content in nuts like pistachios can cause vomiting and abdominal discomfort in dogs.

Know the risks 

Dogs that eat nuts in large quantities are at risk of getting pistachio poisoning. This condition brings about an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea, among other symptoms which are decidedly not fun for your friend! 

You’ve probably heard about the health benefits humans can get from pistachios. On a dog’s digestive system though, some dangerous components to the green nut could wreak havoc. The most threatening one is called Aspergillus mold. Dogs are dangerously susceptible to the aflatoxin produced by the mold. This common mold can grow on vegetables as well as on some types of nuts. While not particularly dangerous to humans, it can, in severe cases, be fatal to dogs.

Some studies also suggest that foods high in fat are known to cause pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) in dogs. 

Furthermore, pistachios, and especially their shells, present a choking hazard as well as intestinal obstruction. There’s also a risk the shells could become lodged deep within the digestive tract and cause an internal blockage.

Bottom line Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?

Simply put, your dog’s digestive system is not made to absorb the nutrients in nuts. A few should be fine, but more than that are unhealthy for your pup.

It is true that pistachios ultimately aren’t considered toxic for dogs. Still, the amount of fat, salt and other additives can make them dangerous for the nutritional health of your pup.

So can dogs have pistachios? Generally, it is safe for dogs to have a nut or two, just don’t incorporate it into your dog’s daily diet. But if you do feel like sharing a couple nuts with your furry friend, just remember to check for pieces of shell to avoid choking or intestinal obstruction. 

Ultimately, it’s always better to be safe than sorry and play it safe. There are safer and healthier treats out there your dog can eat.

Nutty Treats (for humans) 

While not the ideal snacks for dogs, nuts are indeed very beneficial to humans. Not to mention – utterly delicious. Looking for a few tasty treats to keep around the house for when you feel like having a little nibble? We’ve got you. Our whole roasted pistachios are always a crowd pleaser. Planning a charcuterie board to entertain a few friends on the weekend? Make sure to include a few handfuls of our roasted salted cashews and skin-on salted peanuts. They’ll be a hit!

FAQ Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?

Can dogs eat pistachios?

While pistachios are not technically toxic to dogs, they are not recommended as a regular snack for your canine companion. Due to their high-fat content, pistachios can cause vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and other health issues if consumed in large quantities by dogs.

What are healthier treat options for dogs?

There are many safer and healthier treats specifically designed for dogs that you can give your pet instead of pistachios or other nuts. These treats are formulated to be easily digestible and to provide nutritional benefits appropriate for dogs.

Sam Henselijn Author’s Biography – Meet L’Orenta Nuts CEO

Copyright 2024 L’Orenta Nuts

L’Orenta Nuts proudly holds the SQF food safety certification, symbolizing our unwavering dedication to upholding the highest standards of food safety and quality. This certification guarantees that our products undergo rigorous scrutiny, ensuring transparency, traceability, and adherence to global food safety regulations for the utmost consumer confidence.

L’Orenta Nuts has the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) certification is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling food safety hazards. It ensures that food products are produced and handled in a manner that minimizes risks and complies with safety standards.

Our GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certification ensures that a manufacturing facility adheres to comprehensive quality and safety standards while producing pharmaceuticals, food, and other consumer goods, promoting consistency, quality, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

L’Orenta is an FDA-approved manufacturing facility and has met the rigorous standards set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It demonstrates compliance with regulations, ensuring the production of safe and high-quality food products.

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